Brownfield & Mayerhofer, Inc.

Escalation Classes & Training Questions

Who should attend an escalation training class?

Typically property managers, property accountants, administrative assistants and lease administrators benefit the most from escalation theory training.

What type of classes do you offer?

Classes can be tailored to meet your needs, (from basic escalation theory to more detailed hands on application of gross ups, expense caps, and capital amortization). Classes are 3 to 8 hours in length, and are conducted by the senior members of our company at the site of your choice.

What data do you need to conduct a class? Would it be kept confidential?

We respect your need for security, and any information shared with Brownfield & Mayerhofer, Inc. will be kept strictly confidential. We need the answers to the following questions to create an effective escalation workshop:

  • What is your lease’s standard escalation clause?
  • Who prepares the escalation bills (e.g. the property manager, an on-site accountant, the corporate accounting staff)?
  • What is your review process?
  • What software is used to prepare the escalations (e.g. a mainframe accounting package, such as MRI, PeopleSoft, Yardi); FairShare for Office, individual Excel spreadsheets, some other software)?
  • What methodology do you use to gross up expenses?
  • How do you decide which capital items are to be amortized?
  • What escalation information is supplied to the tenants (e.g. invoices, cover letters, schedules, supporting documentation, etc.)?
  • What are your particular problem areas?

What is the cost of a workshop?

It depends on the length of the workshop. A typical half-day session can cost from $1,500 to $5,000 plus travel expenses and a copy of The Escalation Handbook for Office Buildings for each participant.



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